We will make a Group Agreement, taking into consideration the following requirements for us to function at our best together.
The property and house have a couple of steps here and there, one long staircase that can be avoided, and some sloping yard. Otherwise the venue is accessible.
Clean and Sober
This Training requires that you come to every meeting, face-to-face or online, with a clear head so that you can easily access naturally induced altered states, psychic dimensions and capacities for empathy. You will also need mental agility and reasonably good physical health. Margi has chronic health limitations and a big heart so please talk to her about your own needs and limitations. Although Margi has sympathy for traditions that use chemically induced states for sacred purposes, we will not be exploring or using psychotropics, alcohol or other sacred substances in this Training.
You will identify and express your particular needs during our regular opening Checkin and we agree to respect those needs. For example, I might need to stretch regularly because I have fibromyalgia. I ask that everyone respect that occasionally I might stand and stretch without intending to disrupt the flow of the group process. We cannot support your need if it is not owned and verbalised by you, so please practice this piece as helpful and healthy group process.
Non-verbal Agreement
We use a Reclaiming practice, an Auslan Signing gesture called “Twinkling” to show our agreement, concurring, "vibing" or "grokking" another person’s sharing. This enables appreciation without a vocalising of that and disrupting the flow of the sharing. If twinkling isn’t your thing, you might like to use the Thumbs Up gesture instead.
Literacy ability
You will need both hard copy and digital literacy. Margi is dyslexic, so is very conscious of diverse ways of learning. Tasks set may be completed in prose, poetry, script, art, music, movement, sculpture, crafting or other media as long as it shows depth and timely devotion to the task. Always ask Margi for help if you have any difficulties with the material or processes and tasks.
Dates and Time
Margi will do her best to be punctual, and also will assume that if you are unable to stick to time that you are doing your very best to not disrupt the flow of the group. If there is a workshop you cannot attend for good reason Margi will endeavour to catch you up on the material within reason. There will be no refunds for missed Training days.
You are welcome to share anything from your own personal experience or from general content of the Training. Please don’t share anyone else’s personal experience or contribution without their permission.
Talking Stick
Sometimes a “Talking Stick” will be passed around the circle. While you have the Talking Stick (which can take the form of any sacred object) the group commits to not interrupt you and to deeply listen and witness your sharing. We endeavour to listen to each other without judgment, and if we catch ourselves running over in our head what we are going to share or have just shared, we commit to return to deep listening without self-recrimination.
Communist Cookie/Socialist SAO
We agree to be sensitive to not hogging the time and energy of the group. Occasionally, someone has a particularly intense need to share for more time than usual. It is possible to expand Checkins and sharings to accommodate these moments and needs, with a conscious awareness from us all that we do so in the spirit of generosity and that the Time Deities and Spirits will take care of our Space/Time continuum. There may be times when Checkins and sharings are timed by the clock.
Guidelines for Group Processes
The Training will include deep process work and sharing, so here are some other guidelines to support our healthy Training environment.
Thinking well of each other
We trust that people are attending to further the aims of the Training, and are doing so to the best of their ability.
Mindful language and comments, especially Online
We agree that we will use thoughtful and considered language and that we seek to resolve possible conflict with another Priestess in Training in person or by phone call, not through written comments via email or Facebook.
Use of “I” statements
We are all responsible for our own feelings and reactions.
Suggested Clear Communication practices
We empower each other, with ease, to ask for clarification when we feel we don't understand something or if we notice we are feeling reactive to something that was perceived. We honour our felt experience and notice and voice when something does not sit right.
No advice offered about personal material unless it is asked for
Sometimes we may express what is happening in our lives, what we are feeling, and it is more supportive to be heard, held and not judged rather than be given advice… unless we ask for it.
Open to Guidance
If we stray from the Group Agreements we agree to be open to being guided back to the spirit of the Agreements by Margi without taking it personally.